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R&S Extraction Cleaning

April 2, 2019
Extraction Cleaning for Food Manufacturer
Extraction Cleaning for Food Manufacturing Reynolds & Son are proud to provide the best extractor fan cleaning services for clients in the food manufacturing industry; we have over 15 years experience and a thorough understanding of working in a product-driven environment. Our professional extractor fan cleaning service will make sure that you meet and exceed […]

March 25, 2019
Hazards of Dirty Kitchen Ventilation
One of the purposes of kitchen ventilation is to trap grease, smoke and grime to avoid these substances getting into the rest of the kitchen, potentially contaminating any foodstuffs. This calls for regular maintenance of the ventilation system to remove the excess grease which is dangerous and can cause a fire if neglected. Apart from […]

September 14, 2017
Clean a Commercial Kitchen Extractor Fan
HOW DO I CLEAN A COMMERCIAL KITCHEN EXTRACTOR FAN? Our typical technique of cleansing the extraction motor is to set up gain access to panels either side. We do this by removal of the extraction grille or via the extraction filter real estate in the canopy. The fan blades, motor and casing will be cleaned […]

September 5, 2017
Kitchen Duct Cleaning
The Importance Of Kitchen Duct Cleaning Where there is access to panels within the ducting the interior will be completely degreased to arm’s length. It should be cleaned this far and more where feasible. If not, access to panels will be set up at routine intervals. This enhances air movement assisting to maintain a comfortable […]

August 30, 2017
Kitchen Extraction System Cleaning
Kitchen Extraction System Cleaning The kitchen extraction system provides threats due to the potential for the build-up of grease. Collected grease within an extract system creates a surprise combustion. Under certain conditions, flame or extreme heat within the air duct could spark the grease causing the fire to spread rapidly via the duct. Fire and […]

August 23, 2017
Fire Safety Extraction
DO I NEED EXTRACTOR FAN CLEANING FOR FIRE SAFETY? The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that a fire risk evaluation must be carried out by law. This requires the building’s owner or office manager to entrust a responsible individual. They will recognise all sources of fire and get rid of, or at the […]

August 18, 2017
Canopy Filters
Grease Build up in Canopy Filters We clean ventilation extraction systems. We supply expert duct cleaning services to your specific requirements. You may have the most effective canopy filters for capturing grease particles. However, they will still need cleaning. It is inevitable that deposits of grease will begin accumulating within the kitchen extraction and canopy. […]

December 22, 2016
Problems of Grease Build Up
Рrоblеmѕ Оf Grease Buіld Uр Grеаѕе buіlduр is one оf thе рrіmаrу саuѕеѕ оf a blocked hоuѕе drаіnѕ, ѕеwеr аnd ѕерtіс lіnеѕ. Sоmе оf іt соmеѕ frоm mеаt fаtѕ, such аѕ bасоn аnd hаmburgеr grеаѕе. But it аlѕо соmеѕ frоm fооdѕ ѕuсh аѕ сооkіng оіl, mауоnnаіѕе, butter, ѕаuсеѕ, and tаblе scraps. As a rеѕtаurаnt оwnеr, […]
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our extraction cleaning services.
Reynolds & Son make your life easier so that you don’t have to worry. Our work times are arranged to suit your needs. We can be on site for early mornings, day works or over night cleans if required. Whether you are looking for extraction cleaning in a hotel, restaurant, pub, takeaway, catering facility or maybe a family run business then our service can be tailor-made to suit your every need.